Life in refugee camps, geopolitical tensions related to Western Sahara, humanitarian aid of the territorial cooperation, the theme of education and the future of the new generations are among the various topics addressed in an information bulletin published and distributed between 2020 and 2023.
"Oltre la sabbia e il vento - Beyond the Sand and the Wind" is the title of the bulletin, representing the outcome of a longstanding collaboration between CISP and various other Italian territorial entities, dedicated to supporting the cause of Saharawi self-determination and raising awareness among Italian citizens about the ongoing situation in the Saharawi refugee camps, an emergency that is often overlooked.
The five issues of this information bulletin were produced through the collaborative efforts of CISP, NEXUS (Bologna), the Municipality of Ravenna, the "Kabara Lagdaf" Association of Modena, and the Tifariti Network that connects various regions to promote humanitarian actions for the Saharawi population residing in the territories of Western Sahara under the control of the POLISARIO Front. Notably, these areas are situated outside the Algerian refugee camps and are often excluded from international aid initiatives.
This collaboration represents a genuine experience of territorial cooperation, fostered and effectively managed through close collaboration among citizens from different countries. The peculiarity of this cooperation model lies in its dynamic nature, originating from the local territory to support distant realities and then returning to the territory reporting results based on direct experiences, stimulating reflections, and providing feedback on resources sourced in various ways from the citizens themselves.
Now that the experience of publishing "Beyond the Sand and the Wind" has concluded, our commitment to supporting the Saharawi people will continue through new means and projects. In the meantime, we are delighted to share all issues of the bulletin, which can be downloaded below.
Enjoy the reading!
Oltre la sabbia e il vento: 2020-2023 issues
Number 1 – NEXUS Project: "Food and Training: support for women's associations for alternative, sustainable, and income-generating food production"
This project assisted 90 women by forming small "pastry teams" to help them enhance and expand their businesses. Additionally, it distributed pomegranate, vine, and fig plants, selected because resilient and rich in fruits, with the aim to diversify the Sahrawi diet with fresh produce containing essential vitamins and nutrients.
Number 2 – Project led by CISP and Rete Tifariti: “Support for the right to education and growth of young Sahrawis"
This initiative supported school feeding by providing snacks - and therefore encouraging school attendance - in primary schools in two localities within the Western Sahara Territories controlled by the POLISARIO Front (Tifariti and Buer Tisghit). The project extended its impact to the Wilaya (province) of Dahla and the refugee camps in Tindouf. It also contributed to enhancing the quality of school education through teacher training and the rehabilitation of a school garden. |
Number 3 – Project led by the Municipality of Ravenna: "VISIS – Enhancement and implementation of the Sahrawi healthcare system"
This project, primarily focused on women and children, encompassed preventive, assistance, and protective actions for pediatric and reproductive health. It supported basic health services and conducted awareness campaigns targeting mothers, teachers, and young people to encourage the adoption of correct hygiene and health practices.
Number 4 – Project led by Kabara Lagdaf: "SALUD PRIMERO – Project for the protection of health and the promotion of access to basic health services in the Sahrawi Refugee Camps"
This project focused on the health of women and minors, aiming to enhance access to basic health services. Activities included preventive and diagnostic measures in schools, along with awareness campaigns to promote the adoption of proper hygiene and health practices.
Number 5 – Project led by CISP and the Tifariti Network: "Inclusive education: no one is left behind among the refugees and the newly displaced Sahrawis"
This project concentrated on safeguarding the most vulnerable through support for inclusive school education. It also extended assistance to the newly displaced individuals from Western Sahara, who sought refuge after the conflict resumed and were excluded from international aid. The project provided logistical help to the most vulnerable families and conducted the first investigation into their living conditions.